Looking down into Freemont Canyon - sightseeing, not fishing this time. |
Based on the forecasts for warm temperatures again this weekend I
suggested to Jeff we try fishing the North Platte. We fished the Miracle
Mile last weekend but, contrary to my optimistic expectations, we didn't do so great. I caught a couple of small
rainbows and fell in the river twice; not a great day.
Looking northwest on the drive out. Pathfinder reservoir is visible behind the hill in the foreground. |
Through the week, the weather report for Saturday kept getting worse and worse
with rain and snow and significant wind predicted; I'd all but given up when Jeff convinced me we should try it anyway. He's an
atmospheric scientist and I trust his judgement about weather. Temperatures turned out to warm with a high of 45F and,
other than a couple of brief squalls that blew through, we did not get
the precipitation that was forecast. On the drive up there were signs
on the interstate warning of 60+ MPH winds. We reasoned that they would not be
that bad 100 or 150 miles away in Alcova. Wrong. With the absurdly
high wind it was impossible to fish in the normal spots which are virtually out on the open prairie so we headed up
right under the dam. We normally fish the Grey Reef section, the the dam there it is a small structure and did not offer much in the way of
protection from the wind. In contrast, the Seminole, Pathfinder and Alcova dams are all big enough to served
as something of a wind block. We moved up to the base of one of the big dams and fished the bottom-release water which was flowing at about 500 cfs.
Medicine Bow river in late afternoon on the drive out. |
Early on I hooked and landed
two rainbows on size 22 midges; I was fishing a standard two fly/splitshot/thingamabobber rig. They were beautifully colored fish
a bit more than a foot long. From where I was fishing I could see a warm water outlet between the
bottom release outlet and the huge spillway 200
yards to the north. There was a pipe about a foot in
diameter that was spewing what was obviously warm water - there was
steam coming off it. And then I noticed that below the warm water
outlet there were schools of baitfish (trout fry?) charging around, jumping and making quite a commotion. They may have been feeding on midges. But then, occasionally
you'd see the wake of what must have been a large trout charging the
shallows. When that happened there would be some real panic among the schooling baitfish.
This situation had me thinking of winter fishing on the gravel bar that
juts out into Cayuga lake at the outlet of the Milliken power station. The outlet of cooling water from the power station generates a major flow of warm water. Over the years a gravel bar has formed from the flow and, the last time I tried it fifteen or twenty years ago, you could somewhat precariously wade out onto it. I'd guess the flow runs just at least 250 cfs if not more, but that's from old memories. The edges of the bar were unstable with the gravel seemingly loosely suspended in the water. A fall here in the winter would very likely be fatal. In any case, the baitfish would school up where the warm water and the cold lake water mixed and the baitfish would bring in the big fish. Cayuga lake supports healthy populations of landlocked salmon and lake trout. Milliken station was a place to catch a big fish on the fly. You'd tie on a streamer and just let it drift out with the flow. I had some good days there and was once spooled by what must have been a very large lake trout. That memory had me searching my fly boxes for a baitfish imitation.
This marabou streamer was the fly to have. |
I don't fish streamers much but I found two white marabou
leech/streamer patterns in my box - I showed them to Jeff and told him they'd be perfect. The problem was how to get over to the fish - they
were across a wide channel and completely unreachable from where we
were. Jeff said he thought we could wade halfway across the river to a
rocky island from the far side and then work upstream from there. I
didn't believe it was going to be possible. I was ready to try
fishing somewhere else. But we tried his plan and it worked perfectly. In fact the
wading was not bad at all.
My largest fish of the day - a twenty inch rainbow. |
Once we were in position we
started catching fish, one after the other. We'd cast those white
streamers upstream or across the flow and let it drift down. The takes
were violent. I almost lost my streamer on the first fish, it just plain gobbled the fly. I was relieved when I managed to retrieve my fly without damaging it (or the fish.) Most of the hits came on the hang after the swing or even
after a strip or two before the next cast. I lost count but figure I
hooked 12 and landed about 8 fish - including one of 20". That one
destroyed my fly. Jeff figured he landed about 6 and hooked
more. Fishing is most satisfying when a puzzle has been solved. This was satisfying fishing.
Jeff pointing out a good run in Freemont Canyon. |
During the days drive we passed through Freemont Canyon
taking dirt roads all the way down from Alvova to Medicine Bow. This route parallels the river which runs north through Seminole, Pathfinder and Alcova reservoirs. I haven't been into Freemont Canyon for more than twenty-five years. Back then we were scouting climbing routes and I was not thinking about fishing. I have never fished the canyon but plan to fix that gross oversight soon.
Bridge over the Medicine Bow river. |